Keynote Speakers Dr. Bernard E. Rollin University Distinguished Professor, Colorado State University Joyce Tischler ALDF Founder & General Counsel, Animal Legal Defense Fund Panelists Sara Amundson Executive Director, Humane Society Legislative Fund Sarah Baeckler Executive Director, Chimpanzee Sanctuary Northwest Bruce Berning Attorney, Tonkon Torp LLP Rebeka Breder Barrister & Solicitor, Boughton Law Corporation; Board of Directors, Vancouver Humane Society Taimie L. Bryant Professor of Law, UCLA School of Law David Cassuto Professor of Law at Pace Law School Pete Castleberry Attorney at Law, Castleberry & Elison, PC Ethan Davidsohn Sous Chef, Bon Appétit, Lewis & Clark College Maneesha Deckha Associate Professor, University of Victoria, Faculty of Law Carter Dillard Director of Litigation, Animal Legal Defense Fund Geordie Duckler Founder & Attorney, The Animal Law Practice Will Fantle Co-Founder, The Cornucopia Institute David Favre Professor of Law, Michigan State University College of Law Pamela Frasch Executive Director of the Center for Animal Law Studies Sophie Gaillard Law Student, McGill University, Faculty of Law Laura Handzel Assistant Director, Center for Animal Law Studies at Lewis & Clark Law School Scott Heiser Director, Criminal Justice Program, Animal Legal Defense Fund Kathy Hessler Clinical Professor of Law, Lewis & Clark Law School Rebecca Huss Professor of Law, Valparaiso University School of Law Steve Johansen Professor of Law and Director, Legal Analsysis and Writing Program, Lewis and Clark Law School Robert Klonoff Dean and Professor of Law, Lewis & Clark Law School Deborah Knaan Deputy District Attorney, Los Angeles County District Attorney’s Office Matthew Liebman Senior Attorney, Animal Legal Defense Fund, Paul Locke Associate Professor, Johns Hopkins University Russ Mead General Counsel of Animal Law Coalition Teresa Menendez-Taboada Director, AnimaNaturalis Internacional