Our conference panelists submitted the following materials. The materials, although not necessarily written by the individual panelists, are relevant to their panel topics. These are also the materials applicable to MCLE registrants. We will not have binders or CD/DVDs of materials available for purchase at the conference, but attendees can access this page via our Digital Event Guide.
View the Conference Videos!
Keynote by Steven Wise
Current Litigation Approaches to Factory Farming
Shaking Up the Food Supply: Reimagining Our Plates
- Tech startups are moving into the food business to make sustainable versions of meat and dairy products from plants
- Government policies support environmentally harmful meat production
- Social Psychology and the Value of Vegan Business Representation for Animal Law Reform
- “V” is for Vegetarian: FDA-Mandated Vegetarian Food Labeling
- This man is trying to reinvent the food industry, from scratch
- The Bill Gates-backed company that’s reinventing meat
- The Hottest Tech in Silicon Valley Made this Meatball
- Future of Food
Military Working Dogs: War Heroes Treated as Property
Aquatic Animal Law
- Animal Law Conference Resources
- Aquatic Environment, Housing, and Management in the Eighth Edition of the Guide for the Care and Use of Laboratory Animals: Additional Considerations and Recommendations
- Cognitive ability and sentience: Which aquatic animals should be protected?
- Defining and assessing animal pain
- Guide for the Care and Use of Laboratory Animals: Eighth Edition
- Pain Perception in Fish
- Pain in aquatic animals
- Legislation to Protect the Welfare of Fish
- Key issues concerning environmental enrichment for laboratory-held fish species
Careers in Animal Law
Ethics and Animal Issues
Animals and the First Amendment
Inaugural Law Student Scholarship Panel
Captive Wildlife
- ALDF v. Proie, 11th Circuit Opinion 2015
- ALDF v. Vilsack, DC Order Granting Defendant’s Summary Judgment Motion 2016
- Hill v. Coggins, NC Opinion 2015
- Kuehl v. Sellner, Iowa Order Denying Defendant’s Motion to Stay 2016
- Kuehl v. Sellner, Iowa Preliminary Injunction Order 2016
- Kuehl v. Sellner, Iowa Opinion 2016
- PETA v. Miami Seaquarium, Florida Opinion 2016
- Assessing the Efficacy of Warnings as an Administrative Sanction
Gender and Race within the Animal Rights Movement *Non CLE
What’s New in Litigation and Legislation?
- ALDF v. C.L. Butch Otter, Idaho Opinion 2015
- R. v. D.L.W., Canada Opinion 2015
- Midterm Report for the 114th Congress
- AWARE Act Factsheet
- Reform Commodity Checkoff Bills Factsheet
- Protect Native Carnivores on Federal Lands in Alaska
- Block Harmful Endangered Species Act Attacks
- The Humane Cosmetics Act
- Support USDA’s Proposed Rule on Organic Livestock and Poultry Practices
- Support the Preventing Animal Cruelty and Torture Act
- Support the Safeguard American Food Exports (SAFE) Act
- The Obama Administration’s Top Animal Accomplishments
- Support the Thoroughbred Horseracing Integrity Act
- Support the Wildlife Trafficking Enforcement Act, the Global Anti-Poaching Act, and the Targeted Use of Sanctions for Killing Elephants and Rhinoceros Act
Animal Law around the Globe
- Uncertainty and Markets for Endangered Species under CITES
- A Tale of Two CITES: Divergent Perspectives upon the Effectiveness of the Wildlife Trade Convention
- Enforcing CITES: The Rise and Fall of Trade Sanctions
- Trade bans: a perfect storm for poaching?
- Why Rhino Poaching isn’t High on the CITES Agenda
- Global Animal Law
- Extraterritorial Jurisdiction: Lessons from the business and human rights sphere from six regulatory areas