Jennifer Fearing opened Fearless Advocacy, Inc. – a Sacramento-based advocacy firm specializing in advancing the policy agendas of mission-based and cause-oriented organizations – in November 2014. She is also known for her policy efforts in California for The Humane Society of the United States, the nation’s largest animal protection organization.
Jennifer was also instrumental in running the successful Proposition 2 ballot campaign in 2008 and has been in Sacramento since that time lobbying the California legislature, Governor’s Office, and other state agencies. She helped pursue more than eighty positive legislative and regulatory outcomes in Sacramento since 2008 including many high-profile successes. She has also led efforts to develop a new legislative caucus, voter scorecard, myriad lobby days and other successful events and initiatives.
Jennifer has authored numerous opinion editorials published by the Sacramento Bee, San Francisco Chronicle, Los Angeles Times and other newspapers and is frequently interviewed by local, state and national media. She earned her undergraduate degree in Political Science and Economics from UC Davis and her master’s degree from Harvard’s Kennedy School of Government in Public Policy.
She is a regular guest speaker at schools such as: McGeorge, UC Berkeley, UC Davis and Hastings law schools, California State University, California Lutheran University and NYU.