Ever Vimbai Chinoda is the founder of Speak Out For Animals (SOFA). SOFA is a non-governmental organization which aims to protect animals through the legal system. Under Chinoda’s leadership, SOFA has facilitated the training of lawyers, prosecutors, magistrates, investigators, and students on animal and wildlife law. She has authored essential resources including the Wildlife Legal Guide, Wildlife Law Code, and a Rapid Reference Guide for Zimbabwe.Chinoda works to protect animals through legal advocacy and education.

Chinoda is a Wildlife Law Lecturer at both the Great Zimbabwe University and the University of Zimbabwe. She introduced the first-ever Wildlife Law module in Zimbabwe, and in all of Africa, Zimbabwe is the only country offering this groundbreaking program.

Advocate Chinoda obtained her Bachelor of Law Honors degree from the University of Zimbabwe and holds a Master’s degree in Animal Law from Lewis and Clark Law School in the USA. She previously worked as a lawyer for the Zimbabwe Parks and Wildlife Management Authority, and also served as a prosecutor for three years under the National Prosecuting Authority in Zimbabwe.

Chinoda’s exceptional legal acumen has been recognized with awards, including being named the Best Corporate Lawyer in Zimbabwe in 2021. She was further honoured as one of the Top 100 Young African Conservation Leaders

Ever Chinoda has cemented her reputation as a leading voice for animal rights and conservation in Africa and beyond.